

Boca came to us’ on November 9, 2023 from Newburg where she had been found. She had a broken jaw and had had babies, but they did not survive. Boca was born about April 25, 2022, so was only about a year and a half old – way too young to have kittens, and no one should have to undergo the pain of a broken jaw without anyone to help provide nutrition.

Boca (which means “mouth” in Spanish), is a very sweet little girl. She underwent surgery to repair her jaw and had to have a feeding tube inserted so that she could take in sustenance wile her jaw was wired shut. Her feeding tube has now been removed and she is eating pureed/blended canned food while her jaw heals. Her AGF servants are providing the very best of love, care and nutrition while she heals, and she displays her gratitude daily with purrs and slow blinks. She is a very lucky little girl to have the love of all the people who support AGF’ – we are ALL very grateful. Stay tuned – we’ll keep you up to date on this beautiful little girl.

Willie Nelson

Hi! I’m Silly Willie, and I’m a Hound.

I am 1 year old and the very best boy.

My foster mum calls me a Gentle Giant, but I don’t really know what that means. I do have very long legs, and do stand very tall – but don’t let that fool you! I am clumsy as all get out!

Being this young is confusing. I still have a puppy brain, meaning I like to play and act a silly fool, but my body somehow got bigger. And as a result, I’m pretty clumsy and obnoxious, especially when I’m excited. Ask my foster mum about my funny dinosaur feet!! My foster mum calls me Silly Willie, she says it’s because I make her laugh all the time! I just love to make people smile, because then I smile too!

My favorite things are: my sun spot, running after my foster siblings using my dino feets, nibbling my stuffies, walking to the pier to feed my ducks & stopping along the way for ice creams, which I only get when I’m being the goodest boy (ha ha I tricked you… I’m always a goodest boy)

I also looove to snuggle up with a warm blankey & my foster mum for a cuddle on the couch while watching a movie, but the best part is always the popcorn!

I’m a calm gentle boy who loves everyone, human and animal alike. I do get nervous in new situations, and will look to you for reassurance, but that’s only because I’m a rescue boy and I haven’t always had an easy life.

If you think you’d like to meet me (and maybe my duckies) please submit an application!! There is a 100% guarantee that I will make you smile every single day. They don’t call me Silly Willie for nothin’